Mijo's salad

Mijo's salad

It's summer!It's so hot and a nice fresh salad is most welcome!I love eating salads.They are full of vitamins and dietary fibre.In this salad,I added some roasted sesame seeds to enhance the flavour.Sesame seeds are very nutritious and are also a very good source of Vitamin E.Mijo's salad is very easy to make and won't take much of your time.

sesame seeds

1 big tomato
1 cucumber
1 chilli
some roasted sesame seeds
salt to taste

1.Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
2.Cut the cucumber in half,then cut the halves again in halves.Finally,slice the cucumber.
3.Chop the chilli.
4.Mix all together,adding the sesame seeds and lemon juice.Salt to taste.

And there you have your salad!Easy to make!